Welcome to the Weigold Enterprises Client Reference page. Here you’ll find documents we’ve prepared for our clients for reference on common tasks you may need to perform. None of these documents contain confidential client information. They are merely step by step guides for tasks many of our clients have in common. We hope you find them useful! If you are an existing client and you have questions on these, or if you have suggestions for new ones, you can reach us at support@weigoldenterprises.com. If you’re interested in becoming a client, you can reach us at sales@weigoldenterprises.com
Note: all of these links will open the document in a new window or tab. You will also need the Adobe Reader to view them.
Password Change – Domain – Remote Desktop – If you are accessing a facility machine via remote desktop and wish to change your domain password, this is the reference for you. Beware, if the machine you are accessing is not registered to a domain, these instructions will not work for you.
VPN Connection – Windows XP – Need to connect to the VPN at your facility and you’re using Windows XP. Follow these instructions.