Here you can find links to Weigold Enterprises in other locations and links to other companies of interest
Weigold Enterprises on Facebook – Are you a Facebook fan? If not, we’d love it if you’d visit our page and “like” it.
Weigold Enterprises on Twitter – Here’s our Twitter feed.
Weigold Enterprises on Ello – Yet another social network.
Our Clients
Many of our clients are non-profit organizations doing good things to help others in need. They could certainly use your support
Valley Interfaith Food and Clothing – Providing food, clothing and other support to low income families
Pets in Need of Greater Cincinnati – Providing food and veterinary care for the pets of low income families in the greater Cincinnati area
United Coalition for Animals – Providing low cost spay and neuter services with the goal of eliminating euthanasia by preventing excess animal reproduction
Wags to Riches Consignments – A non-profit fine furniture, accessory, and jewelry consignment shop who’s proceeds support the United Coalition for Animals
Animal Rescue Fund – Amelia – A no-kill facility located in an eastern suburb of Cincinnati
Our Sister Companies
Weigold Photography – specializing in weddings, children, pets, sports, and event photography
Audacieux Photographics – specializing in boudoir and other types of photography
Other Companies of Interest – We have occasion to develop code to interface with Twitter directly and these guys are a great resource!